My dear family of St. Simon and Jude Parish Fujisawa , A church for all people! It is an honor to be back to this parish which welcomed me and received me when l had just come to Japan for the first time in 2016 in the month of February. I come from Uganda having been ordained to priesthood in August 2004 for the diocese of Lugazi. But due to the catholicity of our church, it is a privilege to be serving now here in Yokohama diocese. This is really a proof that God who calls us to serve in His vineyard can send us where ever He wills and will always support us in our missionary journeys where ever we are posted without worrying. We get to meet our new brothers and sisters from other continents and from different parents leave alone having different colors a fore taste of what will happen in Heaven.
I pray that just as you wonderfully received me during the first time, that you continue treating and cooperating with me in this new apostolate. I also take this opportunity to request kindly for your continued support, encouragement and prayers. I so much hope that if we all did our part, a lot could be achieved. Let the shape of our church building which is round, inspire all of us to be united around the Eucharistic table as our center of life. This round shape l think is the very attribute to the generous spirit of our parish, all of you make this parish alive and vibrant with faith, you build strong bonds of friendship with each other and you provide a great variety of services to our parish especially with your ever warm and open hearts. Thank you so much and may God Bless you all.
I think God has placed each one of us here in this place and during this particular time because He has good things He wants to accomplish in our parish through our lives. Try ever to be an instrument of God’s divine intervention in your life’s journey. Cooperate with God and allow Him to use you as He wills. I pray that we all continue expressing our love for Jesus by participating actively in the life of our parish and ever promote our faith to a better level. Let us all bloom where we are planted. Sink your roots deeply in your faith community and allow God to bear good fruits through you. Please know that each of you is dear to God and God has a plan for you, you only need to cooperate with Him. Otherwise, for you am a priest and with you am a Christian. We all need each other as we travel towards our goal which is heaven. I am Looking forward to cooperating with you all. Thank you so much and May St. Simon and Jude ever intercede for us. Amen